Irrigation Repair Services in Las Vegas

We provide professional irrigation repair services, such as maintenance, repair, and troubleshooting of your irrigation systems. These services are essential for ensuring the proper functioning and efficiency of irrigation systems for your lawns, gardens, and other green spaces.

Irrigation System Failure in Dry Weather Conditions

Yes, irrigation systems can experience issues and break even during dry weather. Here are a few reasons why irrigation systems might break or malfunction during dry conditions:

Irrigation Repair Las Vegas

Increased Irrigation System Usage:

During dry weather in Las Vegas, the demand for irrigation systems typically rises as plants and lawns require more water. Increased usage can put additional strain on the system, leading to issues such as clogged nozzles, broken pipes, or malfunctioning valves.

Irrigation System Overloading:

In an effort to compensate for the dry conditions, some users may run their irrigation systems for longer durations or more frequently. Continuous operation or excessive watering can overload the system and cause components to fail.

Soil Shifting and Ground Movement:

Prolonged dry spells can cause soil to shrink, shift, or crack. These changes in the ground can put stress on pipes and fittings, leading to leaks or breaks in the irrigation system.

Water Pressure Fluctuations:

In dry weather, water sources may experience fluctuations in pressure. High water pressure can damage sprinkler heads or cause pipes to burst, while low pressure can result in inefficient water distribution or system failure.

Irrigation repair Las Vegas

Lack of Maintenance:

Neglecting routine maintenance can increase the likelihood of system failures. Over time, debris, dirt, and mineral deposits can accumulate in the system, obstructing water flow and affecting the performance of valves, nozzles, and other components.

Our Irrigation Repair And Maintenance Services

System Inspection and Evaluation: Our technicians will assess the overall condition of the irrigation system, including sprinklers, pipes, valves, and controllers. They will identify any issues or areas that require repair.

Leak Detection and Repair: If there are leaks in the system, our irrigation repair technician will locate and repair them. Leaks can waste water and cause damage to the landscape if not addressed promptly.

Sprinkler Repair and Adjustment: Broken or malfunctioning sprinkler heads, nozzles, or valves will be repaired or replaced as needed. Our technician will also ensure that the sprinkler heads are properly adjusted to provide adequate water coverage.

Controller and Timer Troubleshooting: If the irrigation controller or timer is not functioning correctly, the repair service will diagnose and fix the issue. We may have to reprogram the controller or replace faulty components.

Pipe and Valve Repair: Damaged or broken pipes and valves will be repaired or replaced to restore proper water flow and prevent water waste.

System Upgrades and Retrofitting: Our irrigation repair services include upgrades and retrofitting options to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the irrigation system. This could include installing water-saving devices, such as rain sensors or drip irrigation systems.

Seasonal Maintenance: Regular maintenance visits may be scheduled to prepare the irrigation system for different seasons. This may involve adjusting watering schedules, clearing clogged nozzles, and checking system performance.


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Materials needed for a drip irrigation system

What is drip irrigation?

Drip irrigation is an efficient watering system that works by applying water slowly and directly to the plant and soil. Drip irrigation works great on desert landscapes in Las Vegas. The water is directed to each plant, in controllable amounts, without spraying rocks and other landscaping elements that don't need watering.

In order for drip irrigation to be implemented, specific materials are required, including garden hose, drip irrigation tubing, micro bubblers, back-flow valve, tees & wyes, elbows.

Garden hose ________

Drip irrigation system: Garden hose

Drip irrigation tubing

Drip irrigation tubing

Micro Bubblers

Drip irrigation: Micro Bubblers

Back-Flow Valve

Drip irrigation: hose bib Back-Flow Valve

Tees and Wyes

drip irrigation: tees and wyes

Elbows ________

Drip irrigation Elbow

Irrigation Systems Installation and Repair

Call 702.370.2828

Flushing your Irrigation System

How to flush your irrigation system?

Summer heat is here, it's time to flush your system and rinse your filter.

Each year intense summer heat kills thousands of plants unnecessarily . Often it is simply caused by a lack of required annual maintenance. If you notice your plants looking limp this summer and turning yellow or brown while dropping leaves or foliage, it's time to rinse out the filter and check the water flow at the wilting plant.

How to start flushing your irrigation system?

Your first step is to open the underground irrigation box and locate the plastic filter cap. Unscrew the cap, pull out the filter and rinse under cold water until clean of all debris. Replace the filter and cap.

How often should you flush your irrigation system?

This should be done twice per year.

What are the next steps to flush your irrigation system?

Next, head over to the wilting plant or plants and locate the drip emitter. Pull the emitter from the drip line and turn on the system. Let the water run for a minute or so to flush out any debris. Now push the emitter back into the drip line and check for water flow. If no water is being delivered to the wilting plant, its time to replace the emitter head.

How can we help you flushing the irrigation system?

If you are not the do-it-yourself handy type. We are only a phone call, email or text away to complete the required maintenance to save your plants.

Don’t starve your plants, give them a sip with a long slow drip.

EZ-FLO Irrigation Systems

How do they work?

EZ-FLO is one of the leading manufacturers in irrigation and sprinkler products. Their systems can be connected to a hose bib, a drip system or an irrigation system. The EZ-FLO’s patented flow process automatically adjusts to changes in water pressure and water flow without changing fittings. Additionally, fertilization using virtually any type of liquid or water soluble product, can be automatically fed to the plants through the irrigation water in an environmentally friendly safe and easy manner. This technique of applying products through the water is called “fertigation”.